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06.11.2019 Investor news

Caverion and Byggdialog enter a partnering agreement when Skaraborg’s hospital in Sweden expands

Caverion and Byggdialog enter a partnering agreement when Skaraborg’s hospital in Sweden expands

Public facility management company Västfastigheter is building a new psychiatric unit next to the existing hospital buildings in Skaraborg in Skövde, western Sweden. Caverion and construction company Byggdialog have signed a multi-year agreement covering the planning and implementation of electricity solutions for the project.

“We know that collaboration and dialogue between people leads to successful projects and satisfied customers. Together with Caverion and other contractors, we have the opportunity to create a project that we can all feel proud of,” says Mikael Jardeby, Project Manager, Byggdialog.

Byggdialog carries out all its projects through partnering. Partnering is a working method where clients and contractors form a common organisation with common goals, tactics and finances.

“Skaraborg Hospital has chosen to act as a technical forerunner, which is fully in line with Caverion's strategy. Through close cooperation with Byggdialog and Västfastigheter, we can utilise all the organisations' full competence and create advanced technology solutions. It will deliver strong value to the end customer and above all contribute to creating a safe care environment for the patients,” says Juha Mennander, Executive Vice President, Caverion Sweden.

Caverion has a broad experience of clients in the healthcare and public sectors. One of the areas Caverion will contribute to in this project is the effect of light on the healing process by creating conditions that support the patients’ daily rhythm.

Västfastigheter, a part of Västra Götaland county, is one of western Sweden's largest facility managers. Among other things, they are responsible for administration as well as the construction, renovation and extension of the region's care buildings. Since 2018, Västfastigheter has been conducting a major project that involves entirely new buildings as well as rebuilding and affects the entire Skaraborg hospital. The work is expected to be completed by 2023.


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For more information, please contact: Erika Björnesparr, Head of Marketing and Communications, Caverion Sweden,  tel. +46 73 050 92 85, Mikael Jardeby, Project Manager, Byggdialog tel. +46 70 753 88 07,

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