Our Services
Smart City Locations
Construction Project
Data Centre
Sports Facility
Office Building
CHP Plant
Remote Centre
About Smart City
Our Services
Welcome to the Smart City!
Discover how industrial solutions are part of a vibrant, modern city!
Children learn best in safe and inspiring learning environments. With long-term thinking and smart…
Hydroelectric Power Plant
Hydroelectric power is a non-intermittent, emissions-free source of energy. It has the advantage of…
Amusement Park Maintenance
Amusement parks require meticulous care of equipment with predictive and preventive maintenance to…
Enjoy the fun and informative videos from Caverion! Our premieres include Building Performance…
Office Building
Buildings affect our performance, health, and wellbeing. Smart buildings focus on their users, in…
Sports Facility
Sports facilities are highly energy-intensive facilities. For example, energy goes towards…
A hospital needs to be a safe and functional environment – for patients, visitors and health care…
Data Centre
Data centres are the physical facilities where data is stored and processed. As our cities become…
Telematics in tunnels enable the gathering and transmission of data related to vehicles, transit,…
Construction Project
The successful lifecycle of your building starts before breaking ground. For a building construction…
About the Smart City
In the Caverion Smart City, we share stories and examples of how we work together to provide…
EV Charging Station
The need for reliable electric vehicle charging infrastructure is a hot topic for drivers as well as…
Petrochemical Plant
Chemical plants and refineries process the essential chemical building blocks used in our our cities…
Wind Farm
Harnessing the power of wind and converting it to electricity provides a clean, renewable energy for…
Remote Centre
By connecting the building technologies to a remote centre, where the building can be monitored by…
Combined Heat & Power Plant
A Combined Heat & Power Plant (or CHP plant) is the type of power plant that generates electricity…
Supermarkets and grocery stores have one of the highest energy consumptions among commercial…