Forward-looking Property Management increases the long-term value and optimises the running costs


A low performing property is harmful to your business and wastes your precious time. A well-managed property, on the other hand, allows you and your tenants to concentrate all your efforts on your core business.

To deliver the best possible long-term performance, we look beyond single projects and short-term goals. This guarantees that end-users can rely on uninterrupted services and enjoy excellent indoor conditions – today and ten years from now.

We also place significant weight to reaching sustainability goals.

Setting well-defined goals is the key to success

In a property management partnership, it is essential to have shared goals. To truly understand what matters the most to you, we must together define our individual strategic, tactical and operational goals and KPIs, such as customer satisfaction, operational excellence, cost management or sustainability.

The Caverion Property Management team ensures that your needs are met during and after the delivery. Project management, property management, energy and sustainability, procurement and facility management are all services we deliver ourselves. Therefore, we feel confident to make commitments regarding the agreed KPIs.

Save energy in commercial and public buildings

Save energy in commercial and public buildings

Practical measures can facility managers or building owners take to reduce energy costs and improve efficiency, including recommended values for building technology immediately and in the long-term.

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